Main projects and references
The most recent projects and references of Millennium Destinations include:
Marketing, Communications and Business Development Consulting
- Consulting services for the design and implementation of the marketing strategy of a new French wine brand dedicated to the South Korean market (2021)
- Support for the dissemination, outreach, and partner engagement of the global campaign "Fair Travel Living Together" aimed at promoting fair and sustainable urban tourism, led by Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Tourism Organization, and City Council of Barcelona, in association with the #travelenjoyrespect of UNWTO (2018)
- Marketing and branding consulting for Korean cosmetics companies and K-beauty brands (since 2018)
- Global marketing consulting for Seoul-based Chris & Partners, Event Solution Provider (2017-2018)
- Design, maangement and marketing of Herost, a positive online travel guide and toolkit promoting tourism experiences powered by local heroes (since 2018)
- Creation and coordination of Millennium Hikers, a global network and online community of hikers, walkers and outdoor lovers dedicated to the promotion of sustainable hiking and walking destinations and experiences and good practices benefiting the local communities and their environments, in partnership with public and private organizations (since 2016).
- Consulting missions for the design, planning, and management of initiatives, projects, and products / experiences in the field of tourism, leisure, sports, peace, culture, environment, etc. (since 2016)
- "Asian Hospitality Today", a yearly one-week course within the framework of the International Hospitality Management Master of Institut Paul Bocuse and EM Lyon (since 2018)
- Design and implementation of training and capacity-building sessions and programs on sustainable tourism, community-based tourism, certification, responsible tourism marketing and branding, eco-tourism experiences and products, etc. for government officials, tourism and hospitality professionals, entrepreneurs university students, etc. (since 2016)
- Support to the preparation / implementation of workshops on sustainable tourism for development, hosted by UNWTO ST-EP (Sustainable Tourism - Eliminating Poverty) Foundation in Seoul, South Korea (2014-2016).
- Study on the Mid- to long-term ecotourism development in Daebu Island, Korea: in charge of the Marketing component (2019)
- Research on Community-Based Tourism Spillovers for a Korean ODA project (2018)
- Research on global initiatives and organizations related to Sports and Tourism for Peace and Prosperity (2018)
- Study of the Korean tourism outbound market for mountain destinations | Client: Atout France and France Montagne (2016-2017)
- Local partner of a PhD thesis research (Michigan University) on the contribution of ecotourism practices to environmental sustainable behaviors in South Korea (2015)
- Study on behavioral economics and sustainable tourism - creating education and information tools for professionals and tourists (since 2015)
- Research on labels, certifications, best practices and IT solutions to promote sustainability in the hospitality industry in Asia (2014 and 2019)
- 2018 Korea Sales Mission of the Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) - Meetings and Incentive Department: planning, organization and coordination of business networking event and sales visits
- 2016 Sustainable & Smart Tourism Forum (Oct. 10 & 11, 2016): design, planning, and management
- Support to the Secrétariat international de l'eau - International Secretariat for Water during the COP21 in Paris, France: coordination, preparation and promotion of several events, including an international exhibition on urban agriculture (Sept.-Dec.2015)
- 7th World Water Forum (Daegu & Gyeongju, 2015): local support and coordination for communication, PR and logistics for the French Water Partnership in charge of the French delegation (200 members), the Secrétariat international de l'eau - International Secretariat for Water and Women for Water Partnership (Feb. to April 2015)
- 10th World Symposium on Choral Music in Seoul: in charge of coordinating the delegation of African Youth Choir (August 2014)