On the occasion of the 10th World Symposium on Choral Music (WSCM10) held on Aug. 6 to 13, 2014 in Seoul, South Korea, Millennium Destinations was appointed by the ST-EP Foundation, host organizer of WSCM10, to take care of the African Youth Choir (AYC, or Chœur Africain des Jeunes) during the whole symposium.
AYC is composed of 31 members, including 17 girls, coming from 8 African countries : Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Senegal, and Togo, led by outgoing conductor Ambroise Kua-Nzambi Toko from DRC, and new conductor Sylvain Kwami Gameti from Togo. Thanks to the ST-EP Foundation and its efforts within the framework of the Conductors Without Borders initiative, AYC has a unique unique opportunity to reach the global scene for the first time.
February 2024