When it comes to promoting green inititiaves and eco-friendly behaviors, the grass should not be greener on the other side. The grass is actually greenest where it is properly watered, nurtured, and loved. This is why the Green Drinks Seoul's community is getting bigger and stronger than ever. On September 10, 2019, Green Drinks Seoul hosted a networking event featuring a presentation by Christoph Heider, President of the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK), titled "ECCK Going Green". Christoph introduced ECCK, and reminded that the Chamber has mentored Green Drinks Seoul for one year before it can fly with its own wings. He also presented other initiatives of the ECCK such as the ECCK Go Green Month campaign in September 2019, aimed at promoting 11 measures so that the Chamber becomes more sustainable as a service provider. Script of the speech here. This move has spread among ECCK's employees, and is now inspiring Green Office campaigns led by ECCK member companies. The event was also an opportunity to promote the upcoming campaign Anatomy of Action on September 15 to 30, 2019, a partnership project of UN Environment and the Unschool of Disruptive Design aimed at defining and communicating the most positively impactful actions anyone of us can take to add to the global movement around sustainable lifestyles to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Green Drink Seoul is a group of professionals from the public and private sectors involved / interested in environment, sustainable development, green growth and ecology. We organize regular events aimed at promoting inititiaves in Seoul towards the achievement of the sustainable development goals with a strong focus on SDG12: Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Green Drinks Seoul is supported by the ECCK, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Korea, and the Cercle des Entrepreneurs Francophones en Corée. Facebook Group: GreenDrinksSeoul Green Drinks Seoul web page: www.greendrinks.org/Seoul Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to host / support a GDS event.
February 2024