s a continuation of the 2018 Global Campaign "Fair Travel Living Together", an initiative of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Tourism Organization, and Barcelona City Council, in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a friendly meeting was organized in Paris with some partners of the campaign.
Participants of the meeting included Ms. Emilie THIRY, in charge of the tourism division at the cabinet of the Deputy-Mayor of Paris for Sports, Tourism and Olympics, Ms. Helena REY de ASSIS, Programme Administrator, Production and Consumption Unit, Ressources & Markets Branch, Economy Division at UN Environment, Ms. Béatrice BELLINI, Director of the Positive Business Chair of Paris Nanterre University, and Ms. Catherine GERMIER-HAMEL, Founder & CEO of Millennium Destinations. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Hervé GUILLON, in charge of Sustainable and Accessible Tourism at the Marketing Direction of the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Ms. Svitlana MIKHALYEVA, Consultant for the Sustainable Tourism Programme, One Planet Network. The discussion focused on sharing insights, experiences and practices in relation with various topics such as: sustainable urban tourism, community-based tourism, green meetings and certification for hotels and tourism operators, promotion of local, eco-friendly experiences in Paris, fostering sustainable tourism as part of the lifestyle, nudging and serious games to encourage responsible behaviors, overtourism and initiatives to deal with it in Paris, circular economy, etc. Both Ms. Béatrice BELLINI and Ms. Catherine GERMIER-HAMEL are members of the Scientific Committee of the World Association for Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training - AMFORHT, another partner of the 2018 Global "Fair Travel Living Together".
February 2024