Dear friend, On the occasion of the Day dedicated to Water within the framework of the COP21, the International Secretariat for Water and the Fondation des Etats-Unis (FEU), in collaboration with the Maison des Etudiants Canadiens, have the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the exhibition “From solitudes to rallying” Adapting to Climate Change: A challenge for the watershed basin of the Great Lakes, Saint -Lawrence River and its Gulf. On December 2nd, 2015 (Wed.) from 6 pm to 8 pm Venue Gallery of the Fondation des Etats-Unis Cité internationale universitaire de Paris 15, Bd Jourdan, Paris 14 This exhibition, which will take place from Dec. 3rd to Dec. 13th at the Gallery of the Fondation des Etats-Unis, is aimed at informing visitors about the interdependent relationships between inhabitants, their environment and their vision for the future. To get information about opening days and hours, please visit the Madame, Monsieur, [Fr] A l’occasion de la journée dédiée à l'Eau dans le cadre de la COP21, le Secrétariat International de l'Eau et la Fondation des Etats-Unis (FEU), en collaboration avec la Maison des Etudiants Canadiens, ont le plaisir de vous convier au vernissage de l'exposition « Des solitudes au ralliement » L’adaptation aux changements climatiques : un défi pour le bassin hydrographique des Grands Lacs, du Saint-Laurent et son golfe. Le mercredi 2 décembre 2015 de 18h à 20h Lieu Galerie de la Fondation des Etats-Unis Cité internationale universitaire de Paris 15, Bd Jourdan, Paris 14ème Inscription avant le 2 décembre 2015 à 12h Informations Catherine Germier-Hamel [email protected] - +33 7 89 47 17 73 Cette exposition, qui aura lieu du 2 au 13 décembre 2015 à la Galerie de la FEU, a pour mission d’informer le visiteur sur l’interdépendance entre les habitants de ce vaste bassin hydrographique, leur milieu de vie et leur vision du futur.
COP21 - International Exhibition on "Urban Agriculture Initiatives Towards Resilient Cities"11/28/2015 Organized at the initiative of the International Secretariat for Water and Solidarity Water Europe, in collaboration with the House of Canadian Students, this exhibition takes place at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, as part of the COP21.
By highlighting different citizens' initiatives of urban agriculture in seven cities around the world including Johannesburg, Lima, Montreal, Paris, Seoul, Strasbourg and Yaounde, it offers visitors an approach of "urban gardens" focused on the preparation and adaptation to climate change. Date Nov. 25th to Dec. 11th, 2015 25/11/2015 – 12/12/2015 Venue Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris – Maison Internationale. Coordination Catherine Germier-Hamel, Founder & CEO of Millennium Destinations. The Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace was launched on Nov. 16, 2015 at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, as the first event of the Geneva Peace Week. This independent panel is composed of senior figures from 15 countries in the fields of politics, academia, the private sector and civil society. It will formulate proposals on the instruments and architecture to be put in place to prevent and reduce water-related conflicts at global and regional levels. The ministerial ceremony at WIPO started with opening remarks by Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter, Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Michael Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva, and Mr. Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization and Chair of UN-Water, followed by interventions by high level officials from co-convening countries and panelists. During the event, internationally renowned musician Mich Gerber, a Swiss double bass player who is also one of the Ferrymen on the Aare River, performed three musical pieces. One of them was the first part of a “water for peace symphony”. This symphony will be co-composed step-by-step by different musicians from regions where the panel will meet. It should be completed for the presentation of the Panel's results to UN Secretary General in December 2017. Initiated by Switzerland two years ago, the panel seeks to develop a set of proposals aimed at strengthening the global architecture to prevent and resolve water-related conflicts, to facilitate the use of water for building peace and to put water relations at the center of government policy worldwide. The panel is expected to meet several times within the next two years in different parts of the world, and will submit its report to the United Nations Secretary General by December 2017. Mumbai-based think tank Strategic Foresight Group (SFG) has been selected to lead the panel. The co-convening countries are Switzerland, France, Spain Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Estonia, Hungary, Ghana, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Oman, Senegal and Slovenia. The Geneva Water Hub will act as the Panel’s Secretariat. As the new AMFORTH representative for South Korea, it is my pleasure to share the following news with you.
The 19th Annual Congress of the World Association for Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training took place in Palme de Mallorca, Spain, on Oct. 8 to 11, 2015, with the effective presence of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Currently in phase of strong growth, AMFORHT presented a dense action plan to its Members. Created 46 years ago at the initiative of the UNWTO, the AMFORHT now gathers more than 800 Members, sympathizers and partners from 57 countries, with a common purpose: to work together for the evolution of Training and the professional blooming of people who «shape» the Tourism worldwide. This event included 5 conferences and workshops under the theme of innovation, 2 speed-networking sessions between members, 3 board meetings, 1 General Assembly, and 1 official ceremony for the new AMFORHT Awards. The AMFORHT General Assembly (Non Governmental Organization) was an opportunity to welcome new representatives from 7 countries - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Germany, Madagascar, Mexico, South Korea, and UK -introduced by Michel MOUISEL, First Vice-President in charge of the development. This Forum was also an occasion for AMFORTH's President, French Philippe FRANCOIS, to encourage the Members « to take initiative to help countries at war, where hotel schools are closed, and to support the numerous refugees, and particularly professionals of the hotel, catering and tourism industry and those involved in tourism training ». Major projects were discussed such as standardization of tourism and hospitality training courses throughout the world, as well as mobility through the Erasmus+ device. n a both studious and friendly atmosphere, each Member has been able to bring his/her contribution and ideas towards the qualitative and quantitative development of human resources and hospitality training and education. The next AMFORHT Annual Forum will be held early December 2016 in Puebla, Mexico. AMFORHT is the only international organization gathering the 3 main groups of stakeholders in tourisme education and training : 1) Catering-schools, business-schools and universities offering programs in tourism, (both public et private), 2) Hotel and tourism businesses, international groups and experts, directors, tourism office managers, head chefs, etc. 3) Associations, trade unions, national or international administrations of the tourist industry. www.amforht.com |
February 2024